Friday, December 28, 2007

25% of the Best Careers in 2008 is in the Health Care Business

I googled "top careers" and came across a site listing the Best Careers in 2008. Only one profession was listed (which I perceived) to be under the Information Technology industry while eight out of thirty-one were from the Health Care Industry. Come to think of it, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise (at least for me).

If you research more information from the web you will know that the Health care industry is currently the fastest growing industry in the United States. Its growth rate in terms of job demand is expected to increase by 30% through 2014.

This demand for healthcare is driven by the increasing demand for medical attention of the significant portion of our aging population. And with the advances in medical diagnostic technology continues doctors, physicians, and dentists need professional assistance from skilled and sympathetic caregivers, delivered by today's top medical assistant programs.

So you see these days you don’t have to be a doctor (studying for so many years) to be part of the Health Care Industry. A lot of career options for healthcare graduates (medical assistant training programs) are almost endless.

I even know certain people who have stable jobs suddenly shifting to medical assistant careers. It seems this is the career path for the future.


the other side of the monitor